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Participate in our ongoing studies!

Daily Experiences of Parenting

>> How do parenting and parent experiences change day-to-day?


In this study, parents get paid to complete 2 weeks of daily diaries via email from the comfort of their home.


Find out if you can participate by completing the eligibility survey linked below!

Multiethnic Families Project 

>> How do mixed-race families support multiracial youths' identity development?


We are looking for 12 to 17 year old youth and their parents to tell us what families can do to best support multiracial youths' positive flourishing. This is an online survey study, and families receive a small thank you gift for their participation. 


Interested in participating in this study? Fill out the eligibility survey below!

Family Dynamics Project

>> How do parents' relationships with one another affect children's emotion regulation and kindness?


In this project, parents and their children tell us about their family relationships via online surveys. Families also get to participate in games and fun activities on campus at an in-person lab session. If you are interested in participating in this study, click the button below to send us an email!


All Families Lab


Department of Psychology | SFU 



Robert C. Brown Hall 4303

Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby, BC  V5A 1S6

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